The Avellán artist, who is like a beacon or a champion for the ideal taste of royal art, his life represents the genius out of context, and enslaving their works the mists of oscillating or erudite minds in their field.
With impeccable technique capable of overcoming the finer skills harvested by mankind throughout its history. It is the only contemporary master who synthesizes in itself the full expertise of all known methods applicable on all existing materials.
Undoubtedly more than a thousand years of artistic spiritual practice contrast with his face in youth. Although not therefore undermine its coined this wisdom. Stressing particularly in areas such as drawing, painting, sculpture, hyper-realism and classicism. It shows us the same way in any field, a unique and universal metaphysical art.
Lover convey depths of love, infinite tenderness, sophias and almost unbearable for vulgar taste prospects; so it named as the legendary master.
His works always veiled by a spell that traps the viewer, manage to move up the rocks and abstracting the seeker its synthesis.
His major works today enjoy position in private galleries and spiritualists orders or secret fraternities with values exceeding one hundred thousand dollars.
Specialist reproductions of masterpieces, using exactly the same technique of centuries ago, is annihilating see the ease with which the teacher revives old methods and lost in the annals of time and used by the most appreciated lights past techniques.
Lives up to its lofty predecessors and like a brush Angel is involved, is almost invisible invasion with the case of restorations; and miraculous manuals in full replicas. By naming him as plecara some skill as a human scanner.
Currently after a concientivo rebirth we can say that art awaits us to see the world by the teacher Avellán tarnish everything that is done at the time and give much to talk to future historians of this era.